Should I say Thank God it’s Friday? Or better yet, Gosh it’s Friday again! Most of the people start their week looking forward for Friday. But me, I start the week hoping that Friday will never come. For some, Friday is the most awaited day of the week since everybody gets to relax and enjoy on weekends…
Especially to students who have their class for the whole week, do errands in school, have sleepless nights on studying for their exams, doing their unending homework and waking up as early as 6 AM to go to class. These students are very eager to have a break, sit on the couch with no worries for tomorrow’s exam, and lie on bed without setting up the alarm clock to wake them up, play their favorite sports, watch movies and go to malls. Moreover, Friday is the best time to stay up all night in the bar, drink as if it’s the last, party, dance and go merry! Indeed Friday is a blast of happiness!

I hope the same Friday goes with me. A Friday of escape and pleasure! But it’s the other way around… My Friday is a bed of sorrow. It reminds me of how I am being deprived of spending my Saturdays at home, reading books of my all time favorite authors while having a cup of coffee, do my errands on my MBA class,  and have a beauty rest. And on Sundays, how I wish to wake up at 5 AM, go to beach, build a sandcastle, walk barefoot on  the seashore, grab a blanket and spread it out on the sand… sit and read a book.  Yes, these are the simple things I yearn to do on my Saturdays and Sundays. So on Fridays, these are the things I regret.

Instead of spending my Saturday morning at home, I wake up early and go to work. Yes, it’s quite silly of how I still keep on hoping that my work ends on Friday… But of course the reality is it will never happen because in real estate, clients usually visit on weekends. Yet my longing for having a blast weekends is relieved by my clients’ presence… smile and satisfaction. Seeing them happy because I served them well and helped them acquire their ultimate dream home makes me more than satisfied. This is work! This is life. Even if you realize that you have no more time for breaks, you won’t feel sad if you love what you are doing. At the end of the day, what matters most is how you have touched others lives and not so much of how you have been able to satisfy yourself.